

Bon Appétit Magazine asked:

And my answer was, "I don't know."  
So I thought, let's give this a try:

Lined strainer with cheesecloth (double layer).


Bringing the milk, cream, and salt to just a boil.

Remove from heat, add an acid (lemon juice or white vinegar).
Stir gently until curds form; set for 5 minutes.

Pour whey and curds into cheesecloth.

 Let sit 20 minutes.

This is what it looks like; mine was a creamier curd;  
chill & keep in fridge up to 3 days.

So what do you do then?  You make lasagna rolls, of course! 

The longer you chill and drain the curds, the drier it gets.
I used it fresh, so it was still creamy.  I am saving these for dinner, so 
I'll bake them for about 15 minutes or so to heat. 
I also found what I suspect may be a better ricotta recipe from Mario Batali.  
Click HERE for that one.

It's really not hard to make this; and it tastes better than the gloppy stuff we get in the grocery store in those vacuum sealed plastic containers.  I don't use it often, but when I know I need it for a recipe, this is a pretty simple process to follow.

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